Amb aquesta certesa sempre present, el grup format pels britànics Patrick Doyle (bateria), Roxanne Clifford (guitarra i veu), James Hoare (guitarra i veu), i Marion Herbain (baix) escriu amb pols ferm una carrera tan brillant com vertiginosa.
En dos anys han tingut temps d’entregar una sèrie de singles rodons en segells tan destacats com No Pain in Pop, Captured Tracks, Slumberland Bella Union, i d'aquesta forma anar obrint el camí per al seu àlbum de debut, un aplaudit treball homònim on demostren ser capaços d'unir el millor pop de dècades pretèrites amb un so coherent i farcit de cançons perfectes.
“There’s a clarity of texture —a specificity even— to every element of the band’s sound. Which makes it something of an anomaly: shoegaze that looks you square in the eye.” - Pitchfork
“Veronica Falls’ long-awaited, self-titled debut flaunts an array of both dark and bright indie rock sounds, a glossy exterior coating something a little more mysterious and spooky. It’s impressive.” - Stereogum
“This is not the kind of band where the drummer learned how to play last week – underlining hooky melodies with jagged, angsty stabs. But mostly it’s hard to say what puts Veronica Falls over the top in a genre where so many fall flat. Enthusiasm? Personality? Songs? Probably all of that, as well as the indefinable quality that makes old genres come alive again.” - Blurt
“The London quartet’s harmony-laden, jangly guitar pop is the kind of sound proven time and time again to send the average blogger heart a-flutter. Now that the highly anticipated full-length self-titled album is here, plus an upcoming tour in support of The Drums, Veronica Falls are poised to become the Next Big Thing.” - Consequence of Sound
Coordinació: Fona Artists
Disseny web: Visualik
El Festival Multidisciplinari Alternatilla és una iniciativa de l’Associació Cultural Alternatilla amb la producció de Fona Artists
© 2012 Festival Multidisciplinari Alternatilla.
Tots el drets reservats.